The CCA Fact sheet
Title | CENELEC Certification Agreement. | ||
Type | European Mutual Recognition Agreement. | ||
Basic document | Permanent Document CCA 210, first established 1973; latest revision 18 April 2007. | ||
Scope of products | Low voltage equipment for which ENs/HDs exist, mainly electro-domestic appliances and components, electronic appliances (including IT equipment), luminaires and accessories, alarm systems, electrical installation material, equipment (e.g. electro-medical) or aspects of equipment. | ||
Purpose | To facilitate and expedite the granting, on presentation of a Notification of Test Results, of a licence for a national mark of conformity in a participating country with a minimum of administration overhead, for equipment which has already received a licence in another participating country. Since April 2007, there is no geographical limitation applying to manufacturers or manufacturing sites. |
Management body | CCA signatories, operating within the framework of the European Certification System. | ||
Signatories | 25 Certification Bodies located in 22 European countries. | ||
Admission of new signatories | Certification Bodies (and their Laboratories) located in one of the CENELEC member or affiliated countries, operating a well-established certification scheme of their own as well as market and factory surveillance for certified products. Assessment of capability and qualification by a CCA assessment team; if positive results, Certification Bodies are accepted following the "three-step-approach" (observer/recognising/issuing member). | ||
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